Need someone to speak to your group from a consistent life ethic perspective? We have compiled this list of a number of such speakers. Speakers come from different backgrounds, different perspectives on the consistent life ethic, and different geographic areas. We hope you will find one that is just right for your occasion.
Please contact speakers directly about speaking possibilities. All speakers speak from their personal perspectives. Views they express are not necessarily endorsed by Consistent Life. However, we have endeavored to include only people committed to the consistent life ethic.
Can you speak from a consistent life ethic perspective? If interested in being added
to this list, please send the kinds of information presented below for speakers, and evidence of your commitment to the consistent life ethic to president@consistent-life.org. Generally, we would like to see a text or outline of a speech related to the consistent life ethic, or something you have published on the subject.

Rob Arner
Dr. Rob Arner is Professor of Theology and Culture at Reformed Episcopal Seminary in the greater Philadelphia area. He is author of Consistently Pro-Life: The Ethics of Bloodshed in Ancient Christianity, a work researching ancient Christian attitudes toward killing people. In 2012, he completed his dissertation, which was on the activism of Dorothy Day, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Cardinal Joseph Bernardin. His areas of research interest are in the realms of Christian ethics and history. Rob has worked as a residential assistant with persons with developmental disabilities and currently heads up a pro-life group in his United Methodist Church. Rob is passionate about the value of all people as sacred creations of God, which informs his work as a writer and activist.
Contact: 540-742-2697

David Cruz-Uribe, OFS
David Cruz-Uribe is a professor and chair of mathematics at the University of Alabama. He is a professed member of the Secular Franciscan Order and currently a member of the regional council in the Southeast. He is married and has three adult sons, including a son with Down Syndrome. He has been active in peace and pro-life activities from a consistent life ethic perspective for almost 30 years, with a special interest in the death penalty, racism, the disabled, and economic justice.
Contact: 205-561-6046

Rachel MacNair
Rachel MacNair is vice-president of CLN. She served as president of Feminists for Life of America from 1984 to 1994. Among the many books she’s authored are Achieving Peace in the Abortion War and Peace Psychology: An Introduction. She has also co-edited the books ProLife Feminism: Yesterday and Today, Consistently Opposing Killing, and Peace Psychology Perspectives on Abortion. She’s the project coordinator for CLN’s campaign Grassroots Defunding: Finding Alternatives to Planned Parenthood and for Peace and Life Referendums. She is a Quaker.
Contact: 816-753-2057
Tony Masalonis
Tony Masalonis was conceived and raised in Northeastern Pennsylvania and is currently based there. He has also lived in New England, the District of Columbia, Taiwan, and coastal New Jersey, and he maintains ties to all these locations. He is a lifelong Roman Catholic and daily communicant and has studied the Catholic faith in various adult education programs. He is well versed in how Catholicism and other faiths point to a consistently pro-life stance, but his consistent life ethic is grounded in logic, science, and a belief in human dignity that does not depend on religion.
Tony was raised by a single mother in relative poverty and is active in life-affirming pursuits like sidewalk advocacy for the unborn, educating the public about the evil and futility of war, and advocacy with government officials to oppose individual executions and the death penalty in general. He’s been volunteering with CLN since 2007, on the Board since 2009, and currently serves as CLN treasurer. Tony also chairs the “CL Kids!” youth education committee and the CL Action Foundation. He’s pathologically green, recycling where/what few dare to recycle, is getting increasingly involved in animal rights, and his consistent life ethic even extends to the inanimate: he attempts to give life to words through his poetry and prose, and the goal of his day job in the Human Factors field is to get humans and machines to work together harmoniously and -- to just love each other.
Contact: 570-817-1952
Lisa Stiller
Lisa Stiller is a board member of CLN. With graduate degrees in Education and Communications, she has worked as an educator and journalist. She has been involved in event organizing; media coordination; lobbying; and public speaking for causes such as peace, health care, poverty issues, and other life issues for over 30 years.
Lisa offers workshops and trainings to help people and organizations promote their cause, get their voices heard, and have those difficult conversations we all know we will have in our work as pro-peace/pro-life activists.
Contact: 775-232-2823