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Peace & Life Connections Index

720 - Peace & Life: Stop Execution Spree/Worthy Funding/Vigil - November 21, 2024

Action: Federal Death Row

In its first term, the Trump administration went on a federal execution spree, and Trump is expected to direct another one. Biden, on the other hand, offered a campaign promise to support legislation to get rid of the federal death penalty – a promise he has yet to keep. There are currently 40 inmates on federal death row.

There’s a petition, co-sponsored by many death penalty abolition groups, asking Biden to commute those sentences to life in prison. Given that it would match his rhetoric, this is something we can hope for.

In addition to signing, you can individually contact the White House message page.

text block with #commutetherow


The Consistent Life Action Foundation

We’ve received mid-term reports from two current grant recipients. Our funds have had gratifying results.

Ten impoverished pregnant females have been provided with monthly food packages for the last 5 months. Different food items such as wheat flour, cooking oil, rice, salt, tea, and black chick peas, as well as hygiene items of bath soap and detergent, are included in the packages. Because of this program, these women no longer have to skip meals, which endangers both mother and baby, and they’re safer from diseases. The women and their husbands and children are all very grateful

The CLAF grant money has been used to pay for many supportive items for the moms and families: memory-making hand/foot molds, grief books for children and parents, shipping costs for a Trappist oak baby casket, teddy bears with a recording of the baby’s heartbeat, baby blankets, and encouragement/sympathy cards. The grant has helped support 15 moms/families so far, prolonging life for babies and supporting marriages that are stressed when an unborn baby gets a terminal prognosis,

Donations are needed to continue the work of the CLAF.


A Successful Vigil on November 9th

The Consistent Life Network held its quarterly Vigil to End the Nuclear Danger on November 9th. Our usual space in front of the White House was closed off, but we gathered just a little bit up the road and still drew a good crowd of volunteers and had a good response from passersby.

This week’s blog post comes from John Whitehead’s speech here.

Pro life demonstrators holding signs ban the bomb


More Election Comments

As reported in the Washington Times: Democrats for Life wins 97% of endorsed elections in rebuke to party's abortion stance. These were all for state or city offices, not national, but when they’re trying to make the case that the pro-abortion extremism of the party is an election loser, it helps that so many pro-lifers won. Democrats for Life is a member group of the Consistent Life Network.

Long time consistent-life supporter and author Charles Camosy has some cogent insights in First Things: Mixed Pro-Life News and Lessons from Election Night


Remember Consistent Life on #GivingTuesday!

#GivingTuesday will be December 3rd this year. Please consider marking the day with a donation to the Consistent Life Network. Support from friends allows us to continue our work.


Our Latest Blog Posts

Right after the election, we had three of us offer thoughts in Presidential Election 2024: Consistent Life Perspectives – Carol Crossed, Lisa Stiller, and Rachel MacNair.

At our quarterly White House peace vigil, John Whitehead spoke: A More Hopeful Path: Working for Peace in a World at War


Quotation of the Week

baby onesie with text I just did 9 months on the inside my parents now serving life

Responses/News Tips/Questions to share are all welcome.


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