Let us Give Thanks!

Currently - Major Progress
Nuclear Weapons are Illegal

As of January 1, 2021, a United Nations treaty bans nuclear weapons.
But while this is a major breakthrough, it hasn't solved the problem by itself. Countries that actually possess nuclear weapons are ignoring it. We still have plenty of work to do - but we'll be better able to do it with this development, for which we're grateful.
Roe v. Wade has been Overturned

As of June 12, 2022, the Dobbs decision of the U.S. Supreme Court explicitly overturned Roe v. Wade. This has removed a major obstacle. We still have plenty of work to do - but we'll be better able to do it with this development, for which we're grateful.
Historical Forms of Killing Subsiding
These Were Socially Approved and Rampant -- But Can Barely Be Found Now:
Gladiator games
Burning of “witches” and “heretics”
Or Are Now Fairly Uncommon:
Executions for crimes other than homicide
Public killing or torture to “set an example”
Ceremonial human sacrifice
Legally enforced slavery
Lynching, tar-and-feathering, and other vigilante mob violence
Remember Consistent Life this #GivingTuesday!
We're very thankful for all supporters who allow us to continue our work on behalf of life. Please remember the Consistent Life Network with a donation this #GivingTuesday, November 28th.

Our Latest Blog Post
Several of us give our comments and screenshots from Rehumanize Conference 2023.
Quotation of the Week
Henry David Thoreau
Letter to Harrison Gray Blake, 1856
I am grateful for what I am & have. My thanksgiving is perpetual. It is surprising how contented one can be with nothing definite — only a sense of existence . . . O how I laugh when I think of my vague indefinite riches. No run on my bank can drain it, for my wealth is not possession but enjoyment.