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Consistent Life publishes Peace & Life Connections, a weekly one-page e-mail newsletter featuring related news and events, member group activities, and consistent life quotes.

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#619 - Peace & Life: They Need to Hear from Us! - July 8, 2022

cartoon frown face

They Need to Hear from Us

Several peace and justice groups are now using the occasion of the Dobbs decision to decry the decision and use the usual euphemisms for killing in-utero children. For example, see the Parliament of the World’s Religions and Green America (they both have contact info on linked page). These groups need to hear from those of us otherwise sympathetic to their goals, and from the consistent-life (same as consistent-peace) perspective, as well as the pro-life feminist viewpoint.

Many of you will have gotten similar messages in your emails and belong to groups doing the same. Now is an especially important time to be active in getting people to consider the merits rather than divide into red/blue camps. This isn’t just for the sake of the abortion issue, but for all the peace issues as well – we can’t make as much progress on those as long as a rigid red/blue divide is an obstacle.


Roe’s Impact Far from Over

Scales of Justice with words the Price of Roe and Problems with Roe v. Wade: Legal Scholarship

Our website, The Price of Roe, will be needing new material soon, as we turn from the harm Roe is doing to the harm it has done, and the harm that the continued pushing of abortion availability is doing to peace and justice causes.

We have a new article quoted from, The End of Roe v. Wade, May 14, 2022, in the Wall Street Journal. They describe it: “For a constitutional scholar and pro-choice Democrat, there are reasons to endorse the leaked draft opinion overturning the 1973 abortion decision—and to see it as vindication for a range of liberal priorities.” Reading the full article requires membership in the publication, but we have an extensive quotation from it on our page on legal scholars’ opinions.



Here’s a major change of event from our member group, Democrats for Life: “Due to the critical challenges we are facing in a post-Roe world, we feel like it is very important to address this challenge head-on and with all hands on deck. And we want to devote our full attention to navigating a post-Roe world. With that said, we have made the difficult decision to postpone our DFLA National Conference this August 5-7 in Los Angeles for a later date. In place of the conference, we plan to host a virtual event centered around a post-Roe world. Stay tuned for more details.”


Blog Post

Sarah Terzo shares two examples of how Reaching Out Needs Compassion. A combat veteran was severely traumatized by his participation in war, and an abortion worker was having trepidation about her work. They were both just about ready to leave – but then got harsh words from protesters that actually drove them back to the violent institutions. We must take greater care in how protests are done – if they dehumanize the people in the institutions being protested, then they can do more harm than good.


Quotation of the Week

Kevin D. Williamson

National Review, June 26, 2022

(Reminder: not all those we quote from are consistent-lifers themselves.)

The hard eugenicists of the 1930s and the soft eugenicists of the 2020s would argue that they are different from their superstitious antecedents in that their purposes are social and economic, matters of public health and the public good. But the hatchet-bearing priests who practiced human sacrifice in the darkness of our ancestral shadows also believed themselves to be seeking economic, political, and social ends, and to be acting in a self-evidently rational way.


Responses/News Tips/Questions to share are all welcome.


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