We know you care about peace and life issues. We want to help support you in learning more, sharing with others, and advocating for the consistent life ethic.
We are working on some improvements for the website and want to make it work for you!
Another Way Abortion Sabotages Our Needs
One would think sinking resources into having mental health services in schools would be an admirable life-affirming service. It could help heal people who might otherwise become school shooters, preventing the crime so we never even know it would have happened. It could prevent suicides. It might help with preventing bullying or at least coping with it more resiliently.
Yet this article in The New York Times talks of parents campaigning to turn down such a clinic. Some complaints can be dealt with, but there’s this one: would counselors help teens get abortions, or encourage them to get them, without their parents’ knowledge?
Unfortunately, experience has shown this is an entirely realistic fear when abortion is readily available.
Summer’s Here, and High Rally Season.
Be Dressed for it!
We can anticipate high activity due to the upcoming Dobbs decision. Marches are already set for California June 22; Chicago/Midwest July 9; Pennsylvania September 19; and Ohio, October 4 - but will arise all over.
We can also anticipate high activity on issues like the death penalty, war, and other kinds of killing because it’s summer and that’s always a high time for such activity.
Our Redbubble store has a wide variety of merch to fit your rally/march/vigil needs.

We’ll have a table and a workshop at the Wild Goose Festival, a “transformational community grounded in faith-inspired social justice,” July 14-16. If you’re there, be sure to check us out – or help us out.
We need someone in the Charlotte, NC area on July 14 to drive one or two people to the site about 35 minutes away and make a stop for supplies. You’ll be reimbursed for gas and time. If you can help staff the table, attending will be no cost and CLN will help pay transportation. Please email Lisa at Koffeenut@yahoo.com.
Our Latest Blog Post
John Whitehead reflects: In Defense of Detachment: The Different Approaches to Protecting Lives. Specifically, the strategy of showing individual victims of different kinds of violence has its strengths, but also its weaknesses, and there are times when greater distance from the violence is needed to be effective in countering it.
Quotation of the Week
Edward Thatch
Return of Kings, March 29, 2013
Editor’s note: This is another “seamless shroud” case, making the same connections we do but supporting the violence rather than opposing it. Sexist racists aren’t normally this explicit, but the source and full article implies he really means it.
Fewer scary black people creeping through our neighborhoods, a reduction in the number of bilingual McDonald’s billboards trashing up the freeways . . . a balanced federal budget, more educational and professional gender equality, and fewer dudes paying child support to some chick they only banged for a month or two sounds like heaven on earth to me.
Feminists and Skinheads unite! Girl Power and White Power complement each other nicely, and a pro-choice Manosphere is a success story just waiting to happen . . . as we right-to-choose our way to a whiter, safer, wealthier, and more aesthetically pleasing America.