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#527 Rehumanize/PP Donors/Referendums/Disarmament September 4, 2020

Rehumanize Conference a Great Success

It had to go virtual this year, but we’re nothing if not creative people who can roll with the punches. Member group Rehumanize International held its 7th annual conference on-line last Saturday, and it fulfilled its promise as a major consistent-life event of the year. Several of us share our thoughts on the blog post this week: #Rehumanize2020: Experiences of a Virtual Conference

David Swanson presents on problems with war

Reaching Those Who Donate to Planned Parenthood

Our website, “Grassroots Defunding: Finding Alternatives to Planned Parenthood” is primarily a resource for persuading people who want medical services to go elsewhere. We’ve now added a page of ideas and resources for a different group: those who want to donate money to Planned Parenthood, be they individuals, groups, or foundations.

We’re taking basically the same approach: finding alternative places to send donations for people with a concern for health care and family planning for low-income women. We also offer many reasons for why PP isn’t the best place to send money for sincere people with such concerns. See: Donors to Planned Parenthood.

The Latest on Peace and Life Referendums

Paid Family Leave made it to the ballot in Colorado! That means Colorado will vote both on banning late-term abortions and on supporting people being parents, a nice complementary pairing. See our Colorado page for how these both fit into the consistent life ethic. This includes excerpts from a speech by Henry Hyde on why he understands family leave to be a pro-life concern.

This now completes our roster of ballot measures for November. Proposals that didn’t make it have all been dropped, two have been voted on already, and the remainder will be ones you might want to keep track of, let family and friends know about, and perhaps support financially. If you have material to add to the site that could be helpful, send it to

Support Humanitarian Disarmament

We recently joined more than 200 other organizations in signing an Open Letter on Covid-19 and Humanitarian Disarmament. The letter calls on the world’s governments to build a better post-pandemic world by committing to the reduction and control of weapons and investing the money currently spent on weapons in healthcare or other life-affirming activities.

As the conclusion reads, “The international community should prioritize human security, reallocate military spending to humanitarian causes, work to eliminate inequalities, ensure multilateral fora incorporate diverse voices, and bring a cooperative mindset to problems of practice and policy.”

We invite other like-minded groups also to sign the letter.

Anita Cameron, director of minority outreach for Not Dead Yet Boston Globe, Letter to the Editor, August 31, 2020

Michael Martignetti wants a state program to assist his suicide if he is suffering from the effects of his disability . . . I want to be able to live. I want my conditions effectively treated, and I want effective pain relief. But while Martignetti may assume he will get good care, Black people like me tend to receive inferior care because of racial disparities . . .

Black people like me with chronic pain avoid the emergency room because we are treated like drug addicts. Black people, particularly women, get sent home to die because we are not believed.

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