More on Planned Parenthood and Covid-19 About 11 missing PP centers on PP’s New York list, this article in the Times Union explains: "Planned Parenthood of Greater New York has begun laying off and furloughing employees and will temporarily close a dozen of its health centers, citing a strain on resources posed by the coronavirus pandemic . . . Former staff told the Times Union the organization was facing significant losses before the pandemic hit and said they believe the crisis gave leadership cover to implement layoffs and closures it had already been planning. The organization did not respond to this allegation, and said only that the pandemic had forced its hand."

New York: An additional 22 centers of the 46 remaining are limited - mainly, just abortions and Depo shots. Pennsylvania: Only telemedicine, and only for established patients: 7 of 24 centers. Missouri: Temporarily closed: 5 of 11 centers. South Dakota: Abortions aren’t being scheduled at the one PP center – the only place abortions are done in the state. Travel restrictions keep the doctor from coming from Minnesota. With changes so fast, this isn’t a comprehensive list.
Acting on Alternatives

There’s no easier time to persuade people about alternative facilities for medical needs that can’t wait than when those clinics are open and PP isn’t. Our member group Feminists Choosing Life of New York offers a blog post for New Yorkers, listing which alternative clinics are open. This post needs to be publicized online to New York residents. It could be also be a model for other states or cities. You can find your own nearby PP center, matched with its nearby alternative health centers, by clicking on your state’s page.
Relief to Help against Covid-19 Iran Sanctions Disease, poverty, and war are often connected. Iran is suffering severely from the pandemic. US economic sanctions, a product of worsening tensions, are making it difficult for Iranians to obtain medicine and medical equipment necessary for responding to Covid-19. Relaxing sanctions could help make the disease less lethal in Iran. Petitions both to members of the US Congress and the US Treasury Secretary are available online. Bailing People Out of Harm’s Way Cash bail for people awaiting trail is one vicious way of seeing to it that people in poverty can’t escape infection. For a connection to abortion, see Why Pro-lifers Should Care About Cash Bail. Two national nonprofit organizations direct revolving funds toward paying bail: the Bail Project and the National Bail Fund Network. They also work on reforming the system.
Our Latest Blog Post: Which Side is this Movie On?

A recent movie was understood by its writer/director to be “pro-choice.” But when Rachel MacNair viewed it, she saw clear pro-life feminist themes. She explains this in The Message of “Never Rarely Sometimes Always”: Abortion Gets Sexual Predators Off the Hook.

Anthony Pahnke Assistant Professor of International Relations, San Francisco State University
Coronavirus should make leaders reconsider the risks of conflict Al Jazeera Opinion, April 2, 2020

Does history provide illumination at times like these, especially concerning the impact of pandemics on war? If anything, it shows that the chaos and uncertainty that already resides in warfare is only compounded with diseases that have neither nationality, nor loyalty . . . It is hard to find hope during times like this, as diseases such as the coronavirus bring us all to recognize their power. Yet, if there is any, perhaps it is in forcing leaders and the rest of us to ask, is the violence ever really worth it?
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