What’s the Quickest Way to Get a New Abortion Facility? The number of abortion facilities has dramatically dropped, from over 2,000 in the early 1990s to only around 700 now. Establishing a new clinic normally involves not only buying or renting a building space and getting permits, but local pro-lifers throwing up as many legal obstacles as possible. Ah, but there’s a new technique now: take an already-established clinic that offers sex-related health services – especially Planned Parenthood centers – and simply start doing abortions there. A couple of years ago, with around 600 locations, PP had about 350 doing abortions and 250 (40%) only referring for abortions. At last count this month, it’s 377 doing abortions and 216 referring – “referral-only” are down to about 36%. Some have closed, but just look at that shift of referral-only places to committing abortion.

Our website, Grassroots Defunding: Finding Alternatives to Planned Parenthood has now set up a new page on The Importance of “Referral Only.” Please consider sending that link on to the people you know who work on local abortion availability. Most pay attention to the actual abortion facilities and don’t realize the urgency of the places that currently only refer.
CLN Paid Position: Bookkeeper We’re looking for someone in the Washington, DC-Maryland area to help with financial bookkeeping. This position requires a few hours per week, mainly collecting mail from our P.O. Box and recording donations. If you’re interested, please email financial_team@consistent-life.org.
Latest CLN Blog Post: Child Abuse Child abuse is heartbreaking even when it isn’t lethal, and all too often it does lead to children’s deaths. But does abortion prevent child abuse by preventing unwanted children from being born? Or does it instead cause more post-natal child abuse by lifting a taboo on hurting children? In Prevention of Child Abuse Rachel MacNair looks at what the studies show, in an excerpt from the book Peace Psychology Perspectives on Abortion.

We remind you that we offer $25 for posts we publish – we want to add to the diversity of authors and topics, and we hope this helps you prioritize getting that one you’ve had in the back of your mind written for us!
Quotation of the Week

M*A*S*H - television show set in the early-1950s Korean war at a mobile army hospital. Episode: “The Incubator,” airdate October 19, 1973 All characters are doctors, and the incubator was a necessary piece of medical equipment the army wouldn’t send them, leaving them in a scramble to find one themselves. Trapper: Guess where we’re going after surgery, Henry? Henry: Oh? Without my permission? Hawkeye: Don’t we have it? Henry: Of course, you do. You think I’d let you leave without my permission? Hawkeye (happily): An incubator. Trapper: Three! Henry: May I remind you both that not everybody you’ll meet down there is going to be lovable Colonel Henry Blake. Hawkeye: What are you trying to tell us, lovable Colonel Blake? Henry: Just – Take my advice. Don’t show up looking like a couple of free-lance abortionists. Shape up.
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