Another Consistent-Life-Ethic Presidential Candidate Our member group the American Solidarity Party has chosen its candidate for the 2020 presidential election, Brian Carroll. A teacher of history and other subjects, Brian got his start in political organizing around 1990. He helped lead a committee to start a public bus system in his city. Then he was spokesperson for the effort to prevent a notable California abortionist from setting up a presence in the city. As Brian says, “Faced with our opposition, the abortionist backed down, and we have been 30 years without an abortion facility in town.” He later did mission work in South America. You can follow his campaign website or Facebook page.

Pro-life Dems Protesting – Houston Presidential Candidate Debate Abortion, euthanasia, and the death penalty didn’t come up in the third debate in Houston on September 12. Not mentioning abortion is just as well; it’s often an occasion for pro-abortion assertions. Poverty and racism were constant themes, and war was mentioned, primarily related to Afghanistan and the war on drugs, with nothing distressing said. On war, though, the largest current humanitarian catastrophe is in Yemen, so we wish that would be mentioned. Our member group Democrats for Life again held protests outside, covered both before and after the event. As you can see from the photo, a priest and an atheist provided some philosophical diversity to the group.

Action Foundation: Grant for Immigrants Our Consistent Life Action Foundation is thrilled to announce our latest grant recipient: New Wave Feminists – also a CLN member group – for their Bottles to the Border initiative! Bottles to the Border united more than 50 pro-life groups and other non-profits to help vulnerable immigrants with fresh water, baby supplies, feminine hygiene care items, and more. The campaign also gave cash contributions to respite centers that care for these individuals, such as the Humanitarian Respite Center in McAllen, TX, and Annunciation House in El Paso. New Wave Feminists writes: “Some basic toiletries and even something as simple as a new pair of shoelaces, to replace the ones ICE has confiscated, go such a long way in helping restore their human dignity. We cannot thank the CLN enough for partnering with us on this initiative.” The Action Foundation supports efforts to directly help those vulnerable to those threats to life we oppose. For questions about applying, or about donating to the Foundation to increase our ability to help those most in need, visit our main page.

Abortion Numbers Down Again From the Alan Guttmacher Institute (research arm of Planned Parenthood): abortions are now at their lowest since 1973, the year of Roe v. Wade – 7% below 2014. Guttmacher naturally attributes this to better contraception, and pro-lifers can make a case that it’s due to their educational and legislative work. Media outlets spreading the news are helping. They’re letting people know the bandwagon is going in the right direction.
Latest CLN Blog Post: Voting Trying to decide between candidates when none of them follow the consistent life ethic is a conundrum for many of us, and we’ve come up with different strategies for how to vote. John Whitehead considers the limitations of two of the primary approaches in Pro-Life Voting Strategy: A Problem without an Answer.
Quotation of the Week United Nations International Day of Peace (September 21) 20th Anniversary Climate change causes clear threats to international peace and security. Natural disasters displace three times as many people as conflicts, forcing millions to leave their homes and seek safety elsewhere.
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