The Movie Unplanned is a Success! The Good News: Consistent-life endorser Abby Johnson reports: “Unplanned exceeded every expectation that was set for it. And then some. According to a Forbesarticle, the movie, and its success (Ya'll, we beat Captain Marvel in a key cinema score!) was a miracle. And getting my story onto the big screen certainly was. But do you know what is an even bigger miracle? What is happening NOW; the conversations, the conversions, and the abortion clinic workers contacting our ministry [And Then There Were None] because they have been touched by what they saw on the screen.” The Hollywood Reporter says Unplanned played in over a thousand theaters, and was the fifth most watched film, in its first weekend.

The bad news: It’s reported that the film was denied commercial airtime on several cable channels, due to “the sensitive nature of the film.” If you’d like to give networks your thoughts on this, the main companies who turned down the ads are: Lifetime, Discovery, and USA Network/NBC Universal.
Rwanda’s Children of Rape

One of the clearest connections between war and abortion is when rape is used as a weapon of war and children are conceived. In addition to everything else wrong with this sexual violence, both feticide and infanticide naturally become more likely under such circumstances. Yet other times, mothers choose not to add to the slaughter, and the children live. The New York Times published an opinion entitled: “Rwanda’s Children of Rape Have Come of Age: Twenty-five years after the genocide, its effects are shaping a new generation.” (March 30, by Jonathan Torgovnik). Rwandan children conceived in rape are now adults. They’ve been discriminated against, and their lives show the negative effects of having been conceived that way. But fortunately, the article never suggests they shouldn’t have been allowed to live.
Peace Vigil against Drones Member group Pax Christi Metro DC-Baltimore, along with Langley Hill Friends and others, sponsors a monthly peace vigil outside the White House to protest the US government’s ongoing practice of killing by drones. The next vigil will be from 10 to 11:30 am on Saturday, April 13th. All are welcome. For more information, contact Bob More at or Jack McHale at
Latest CLN Blog Post In An Example of Why the Peace Movement is in Deep Trouble, Rachel MacNair recounts her attendance at a large conference in which abortion advocacy made a jarring appearance where it was badly out of place – yet applauded. How will this inconsistency impact politics and peace movement goals?
Quotation of the Week Abby Johnson

I am pro-life. I believe in the protection of all life. I am against abortion, euthanasia, and the death penalty. I am pro-quality of life. I believe all children deserve quality health care. I don’t believe in reducing assistance benefits for those who are disabled or who have special needs. It’s not just about “saving” the baby. It is about empowering the mother as well. I am not against abortion because it takes an innocent life — I am against abortion because it takes a life. Innocence has nothing to do with it. Their lives are not more valuable because they are innocent. They will not always be innocent, but their lives will still hold the same value.
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