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#367 Pro-life Women's Conf, Life Matters, Muslims - June 30, 2017

The Pro-life Women’s Conference This second annual conference, held June 23-25, attracted about 350 people. Initiated by Abby Johnson (CL Endorser and former Planned Parenthood administrator) and colleagues, the conference had dozens of co-sponsors, including us. Abby founded And Then There Were None, which provides services to abortion business workers to help them quit the field (see quotation below from a book about their experiences). Groups with literature tables included the Consistent Life Network and many of our member groups (in alphabetical order): Democrats for Life, Feminists for Life, the Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians, Rehumanize International, and Secular Pro-Life. Most of us got together on the last day for a group photo, below.

CLE attenders at Pro-life Women's Conf.

Top row: C.J. Williams, Sarah Anne, Aimee Murphy, Kristen Day, John Whitehead, Lisa Stiller, Caroline Pilgrim, Gina Mallica (baby Evie) Bottom row: Kelsey Hazzard, Karen Rose, Rachel MacNair, Sarah Terzo

Life Matters Journal cover

New Issue of Life Matters Journal

This on-line magazine (published by Rehumanize International) has an essay on “Dying with True Dignity.” CL vice-president Rachel MacNair addresses “How Suicide is Related to Other Killing,” which covers suicide among combat veterans and women who’ve had abortions, only one suicide found among hundreds of children targeted for abortion but not aborted, lower suicide rates associated with specific abortion restrictions in some locales, and what officially-allowed (“assisted”) suicide reasoning does for the people who commit suicide outside the allowed context. Then comes “Legal or Lethal? Thoughts on [Washington] DC’s ‘Right to Die’ Law,” a review of You Carried Me, and a piece on “Remembering Nat Hentoff.”


New Speakers at Our Conference Because of contacts made at the Pro-life Women’s Conference, we are excited to announce more workshop leaders.

Kathy Khang

Kathy Khang is a member of Evangelicals for Social Action and author of More than Serving Tea, about the intersection of faith, culture, and gender in the lives of Asian American Christian women.

Ginny Cronin

Ginny Cronin is the executive director of Wakota, a Guiding Star Center in Minnesota that provides health care and social services to women and families. She has worked with victims of sexual and human trafficking as well.

Annie Celotto

Annie Celotto is the founder of the Alice Paul Group, an organization that advocates for human rights (working with such groups as And Then There Were None, Feminists for Life, and Truckers Against Trafficking).

Dr. Ifeoma Anunkor

Dr. Ifeoma Anunkor, Director of EXPECT, a Human Life Review initiative for young professionals and college students, focusing on the targeting of Black women by the abortion industry. She is a recent graduate of Columbia Law School.

See all speakers and more details for "Creating a Holistic Culture of Life: Bridging the Life/Peace Divide," August 4-6 at Eastern University near Philadelphia, and register now! We are also happy to announce that Little Friends for Peace will be taking care of the younger set at our conference, ensuring that they too will have an experience imbued with our values. So bring the whole family! Questions? Email Lisa Stiller.


John Whitehead comments on the recent mass killings by Muslims and aimed at Muslims (by both anti-Muslim bigots and by ISIS and Al Qaeda terrorists). To counter such violence and bigotry, it’s important to understand Islamic tradition better.


Quotation of the Week former abortion worker The Walls Are Talking: Former Abortion Clinic Workers Tell Their Stories (p. 53) edited by Abby Johnson We put on our hats of tolerance. “We accept your lifestyle.” After all, it wasn’t our job to judge her, right? . . . The day that her pimp brought her to the clinic, the realization that he was the one we had really been protecting struck me. Every one of her black eyes or busted lips cried out to us, begging us to care . . . She left the clinic that day, most certainly returning to a life of cruelty and endless days of servicing men for a paltry sum paid directly to her controlling pimp.”


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