Special Election Issue: US November 8 State Referendums

Referendums on Directly Killing People Assisted Suicide / Euthanasia
Colorado Proposition 106 End of Life Options Act (to legalize physician-assisted suicide). Consistent-life vote: NO 65% Yes · 35% No
Death Penalty
California Proposition 62, The Justice That Works Act (to abolish the death penalty) Consistent-life vote: YES Results: 46% Yes · 54% No California Proposition 66, Death Penalty Reform and Savings Act (pro-death penalty) Consistent-life vote: NO 51% Yes · 49% No Nebraska Question 426, The Death Penalty Repeal Veto Referendum (to overturn the legislature’s abolition of the death penalty) Consistent-life vote: RETAIN 39% Retain · 61% Repeal Oklahoma State Question 776 Constitutional Amendment on the Death Penalty (to affirm it) Consistent-life vote: NO 66% Yes · 34% No
Other Referendums
Since all of our issues were resoundingly defeated, and we don't like to be the bearers of entirely bad news, we'll also mention another referendum that doesn't involve one of our mission-statement issues but will help prevent some direct violence and infliction of suffering, especially if other states and countries also take it up: Massachusetts Question 3 · Prohibits selling farm products from animals not raised in spaces that meet a minimum size requirement (that is, prohibits cramming farm animals in spaces so small they can't even turn around) 78% Yes · 22% No
Comments to Share? There are many insights to be gained from what happened in all the of the US elections of November 8. Anyone who has comments to share, whether short or long, please send them to us at weekly@consistent-life.org. (If you're a subscriber getting this by e-mail, just hit "reply"). Also please send us links to good online commentary that would be good to share with the consistent-life community.
To submit a possible item for Peace & Life Connections, or if you believe there is an error, please contact us at Peace & Life Connections.