Life/Peace/Justice Conference
Consistent life co-sponsored the Life/Peace/Justice Conference at Villanova University April 22-24, and we were well represented there. Board member Rob Arner and Advisory Board member John Whitehead gave presentations. Board members Carol Crossed, Tony Masalonis, Bill Samuel and Sarah Terzo also attended. The Conference provided opportunity for youth and others to explore multiple issues related to the consistent life ethic. The main sponsor, Life Matters Journal (LMJ), announced it plans to hold the Conference annually.
Several of the sessions were recorded and are up on LMJ’s Facebook page.

Photos: Left, Tony Masalonis staffs the CL exhibit. Right, Rob Arner presents on "Personalist/Activist: Dorothy Day's Social Activism & the Value of Persons"
StartFragmentCL Adds Five People to the Board of Directors
We asked them all to introduce themselves, so here they are in alphabetical order:EndFragment

StartFragmentEvelyn Brush says, "I am passionate about nonviolence, ending the death penalty and protecting the right to life, especially for disabled people. I am from rural Oregon, though I grew up in Portland, and am finishing up a Masters of Arts in Justice Ministry in Chicago." EndFragment

Ailish Hathcock is a math student living in Dublin Ireland. Most of her focus is on abortion and euthanasia/assisted suicide, and from 2010 she has established and expanded 'Keep Ireland Pro-Life' across several social media platforms. She tries to keep her advocacy as positive as possible, with an emphasis on human rights, non-violence, and peace; she points out abortion's links to eugenics, domestic violence, poverty, racism, homelessness, trafficking, and other human rights abuses, often specifically as they concern women. She considers herself a pro-life feminist and is a literature and history enthusiast.

Dawn (Eve) Kuha is the Vice President of Pro-Life Pagans. Eve believes that to truly end abortion society must stop the causes of abortion. She feels that by addressing and improving the public’s ideals of socially acceptable forms of violence, racism, and poverty; in return, society will see a drop in the number of women feeling they need to obtain an abortion. To reach this goal, she works to educate through public speaking, social media, encouragement for social programs, as well as providing much needed donations to mothers and children in needEndFragment

StartFragmentSarah Terzo is a blogger for Live Action, the creator of the pro-life website, and a board member of the Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians. She is also a fiction writer and poet, whose work appears in various magazines and other publications.EndFragment

StartFragmentEvans Wagoro is the President of Students for Life Kenya. He facilitates monthly pro-life rallies in different learning institutions in Kenya.
Mr. Wagoro is a motivational speaker and a frequent guest of radio talk shows in Kenya. EndFragment
StartFragmentDeath Penalty Answers for Pro-Life Catholics Brother Dale S. Recinella is Catholic Correctional Chaplain for the Florida Death Row, and he’s published an article called “Answering the Last Gasps of Catholic Support for the U.S. Death Penalty.” He reports: “This article is geared to ProLife Catholics and addresses the specific issues that most often arise in my presentations around the country to ProLife Catholic groups, including Knights of Columbus, Legatus, Order of Malta, Catholic Students Unions, and parish, state and national ProLife, prayer, and Catholic Women’s groups. Hopefully, it will be helpful in engaging such groups to join the efforts of the Catholic Bishops to end the use of the death penalty in the U.S.”EndFragment
StartFragmentQuotation of the Week
Mohandas Gandhi
Young India, November 18, 1926 A pacifism which can see the cruelties only of occasional military warfare and is blind to the continuous cruelties of our social system is worthless. EndFragment