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Countless individuals support and adhere to the Consistent Life Ethic. So far, several hundred have formally endorsed the Ethic. Below is a small sample of some of the more recognizable individuals who've signed on.


Nobody's free until 
everybody's free.

- Fannie Lou Hamer

Individual Endorsers


 Affiliations are for identification purposes only


Michael Affleck, Ph.D.        

Former International Coordinator, Greenpeace


Joan Andrews Bell

Prisoner of Conscience, Operation Rescue


Jann K. Armantrout-Arnold

Lobbyist, Childcare, Healthcare Reform


Sylvia Barnard, Ph.D.

Classics Department, SUNY Albany

†Fr. Don Bauer                 

Coalition on Racial Equality; Exec. Board, NYS Labor & Religion Coalition


Consuelo Beck-Sagué, M.D.

National Public Health Professional


Michael Patrick Beckstrom

Pax Christi Youth Forum


†Daniel Berrigan, SJ             

Atlantic Life Community / Plowshares Activist


†Philip Berrigan                    

Jonah House, Plowshares Activist


Wendell Berry

Author and Environmentalist


†Rosalie Bertell, GNSH                    

International Director, Institute of Concern for Public Health, Toronto


†Janet Bezila              

Anti-War Activist


Jean Blackwood

Author, Beyond Beginning and Other Poems


Fr. Roy Bourgeois, MM

Founder, School of Americas Watch


Dr. Robert M. Bowman

Director, Institute for Space & Security Studies


Bernard Broussard

Executive Director, Starthrowers


David Buer, OFM

Desert Voices, Nevada


Paul A. Callaghan

Young Prolife Socialists, U.K.


Sidney Callahan, Ph.D.

Feminist author


Fr. Jim Callan

Spiritus Christi Church, Rochester, NY


†Rev. Will D. Campbell                 

Cofounder, Committee of Southern Churchmen


Rachel Cann

Director, Brookline Women’s Shelter, Boston, MA


†Jean H. Cardinali

Author, Poverty Profile USA: In the Eighties


Norman B. Carroll

Call To Action, Women’s Ordination Conference


Rev. John Catoir                  

Former Director, The Christophers


John Cavanaugh, S.J.

Author of Following Christ in a Consumer Society


John Cavanaugh-O’Keefe

Prolife Nonviolent Action Project


Dr. Rhonda Chervin

St. John’s Seminary


Sr. Joan Chittister, OSB

Benedictine Sisters of Erie


Shane Claiborne

The Simple Way, Philadelphia


Bernhard Clasen

Anti-War Activist, Germany


John A. Coleman, SJ

Author and Speaker, Jesuit School of Theology

Berkeley, CA


Frank Cordaro 

Peace Activist


Monica R. & Thomas C. Cornell

Guadalupe Catholic Worker House


John C. Cort

Editor, Christian Socialism


Dorothy Cotton

Civil Rights Nonviolence Leader;

Co-Worker with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Harvey Cox

Harvard Divinity School


Carol Crossed

President, Susan B Anthony Birthplace Museum


Robert E. Daggy

Thomas Merton Center, Bellarmine College


Ron Dart

Peace Educator, University College of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford, BC, Canada


John Dear, SJ

Campaign Non-violence Director;

Author, Disarming the Heart: Toward a Vow of Nonviolence


†Peter DeMott            

Griffiss Peace Community, Ithaca, NY


Marie Dennis

Maryknoll Office for Peace & Justice Office


Patricia Lay Dorsey

Founder, Co-Creators of Peace and Justice


Jim & Shelley Douglass

Peace Activists


Patricia Driscoll


Mary O’Brien Drumm

Pro-life/Pro-peace activist, Erie


Betty Dunn

Congress of Justice & Peace, Castro Valley, CA


Eugenia & Bill Durland

Center on Law & Community


†Eileen Egan             

Ambassador of Peace


Leonard E. Edelman

Pax Christi Former Executive Director, PILLAR


The Rev. Kathleen Eickwort

Episcopal Priest, Diocese of W. Michigan


Vincent Scotti Eirene

Duncan & Porter House of Hospitality & Resistance


Robert Ellsberg

Editor in Chief, Orbis Books


Ruth Enero

EMBRACE Publications


Mary & Nick Eoloff

Peace Studies Task Force, St. Paul, MN


Lowell O. Erdahl

Bishop, Evangelical Lutheran Church,
Author of Pro-Life/Pro-Peace


†Rose Evans              

Animal Rights activist; Editor, Harmony


Dottie Everingham

Women Exploited by Abortion (WEBA)


Ann Farmer

Chair, Labour Life Group, British Labour Party, U.K.


Louis C. Fischer

Habitat for Humanity

Ellen Flanders

Sanctuary Movement, Albany Friends Meeting


Jim Forest and Nancy Forest-Flier

Founders, International Fellowship of Reconciliation; Peace Media Service, Holland


Richard J. Foster

Author, Professor of Theology, Friends University


William C. Frey

Former Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Colorado, Dean Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry


Frye Gailliard

Journalist and Writer


Br. Rick Garcia

Brothers for Christian Community


Sixto Garcia, Ph.D.

Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians in the U.S. (ACHTUS)


Judie Jennings Gillespie

Founder, Project Rachel


Howard Goeringer

Editor, Jesus Journal, A Magazine on
Christian Nonviolence


Joseph Louis Golden

Author, Forties, We Stood at Ennis


†Doris Gordon           

Natl. Coordinator, Libertarians for Life


Hildegard Goss-Mayr                     

Founder and Honorary President, International Fellowship of Reconciliation


Ellen Grady

Griffiss Peace Community


Gail Grenier Sweet

Author, Prolife Feminism: Yesterday and Today


Thomas Gumbleton

Auxiliary Bishop, Detroit


David P. Gushee

Author, Professor and Chair: Faith and Public Life Mercer University


Brother Patrick Hart, OCSO

Abbey of Gethsemani


Stanley Hauerwas

Prof. of Theological Ethics, Duke University

Ruth Heaney, OSR
Founder, Families and Friends of Persons in Prison

Joe Hendricks
Associate Professor of Christianity
Mercer University


Martha Hennessy

Kings Bay Plowshares


Peter Henriot

Former Director, Center for Concern, Washington


Gloria Herbert
Commission on Women, Maple Grove, MN


Christine Herbes-Sommers

C.M.H. Productions


Destiny Herndon-de La Rosa
Founder, New Wave Feminists

†Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, CSC                        
President Emeritus, Univ. of Notre Dame


Ingrid Hill

Founder, Mothers Against the Draft


Joyce Hollyday



†Raymond J. Hunthausen

Former Archbishop of Seattle


Lana Jacobs

Companions of Shalom, Recipient, Martin Luther King Award


Marietta Jaeger

Murder Victims’ Families for Reconciliation


Mary Evelyn Jegen, SND                

Pax Christi International


†Lawrence Martin Jenco, OSM

Former Hostage


Timothy Jessen

Former Moderator, Transylvania Presbytery

Presbyterian, Church (USA)


Angela Jones

Peace Activist, Australia


Dr. Maureen Jones-Ryan

Executive Dir., Sexual Assault Recovery
Institute, Phoenix


†Fr. Carl Kabat (OMI)

Plowshares Prisoner of Conscience


Paul Kabat

Plowshares Prisoner of Conscience  

William Kallio

Former Exec. Dir., Evangelicals for Social Action


J.K. Kavanaugh

Poet, Contributer to Voices for Peace


James R. (Jim) Kelly


Lois Yake Kenagy

Peace & Justice Committee, Mennonite Church, Pacific Coast Conference


Kay Kemper

Founder, Feminists for Life of Minnesota


†Angela Kennedy

Women’s Officer, Labour Life Group, U.K.


Ken Kesey



Janet Kluener

New Jerusalem Community, Cincinnati, OH


Gene Knudsen Hoffman

Quaker Peacemaker; Fellowship of Reconciliation


Mary Lou Kownacki, OSB             

Alliance for International Monasticism, Erie, PA


Faye Kunce

Coordinator, Pro-life/Pro-Peace Challenge


†J. Andrew Lipscomb           

Founder: The Committee: Witnesses
for Reconciliation


Randy Loney, Ph.D.

Georgia Death Penalty Abolitionist


Georgiann Lyga

Gospel Justice Resource Center, Sacramento, CA


Rosemary Lynch, OSF
Franciscan Sister of Mt. Alverno, Redwood, CA


Jo Ann Lyon

Adjunct Professor of Women, Church & Society, Asbury Methodist Theological Seminary

Denise Mack

Women’s Ordination Conference


Sandra Mack

Union Activist, Teacher


Rachel MacNair

Quaker activist; Author, Pro-life Peace testimony


Francis & Judith MacNutt

Christian Healing Ministries, Jacksonville, FL


Anthony D. Magliano

Social justice and peace columnist


Paul Magno

Guatemala Partners


Mairead Corrigan Maguire

1976 Nobel Peace Laureate


Ken Maher

Conscientious Objector, Quaker/Catholic


Patrick Mahoney

Presbyterian Minister; Christian Defense Coalition


Jill Mann

Former Director, Just Life


Rev. Thomas J. Marti, MM

Maryknoll Development House, Seattle, WA


Frederica Mathewes-Green

Feminist Activist; Author, Real Choices


†Leroy T. Matthiesen            

Bishop, Diocese of Amarillo, TX


Elizabeth McAlister

Anti-War Activist


Abigail Q. McCarthy



Colman McCarthy

Columnist, The Washington Post


Fr. Gary McCloskey

Dir. Augustinian Justice and Peace, Miami, FL


Barbara McCracken

Shalom House, Kansas City, MO


Kathleen & James McGinniss

Authors, Parenting for Peace and Justice


Anita McGlynn

Arts Director, NYC


Megan McKenna

Author, Speaker; Rights Activist


Fr. Albert J. McKnight, CS

Exec. Dir., Southern Development Foundation


Susan Carpenter McMillan

Former LA County Commission on Women


†Richard M. McSorley

Center for Peace Studies, Georgetown Univ.


William L. McSweeney, Jr.            

Former publisher, National Catholic Reporter


Mary Meehan

Writer, Columnist


Catherine Meeks, Ph.D.

Author, Afro-American Studies, Mercer Univ. 

Tom Meyer

Manhattan Right to Life


Gary Mitchener
Canon Pastor Trinity Episcopal Cathedral


Christopher P. Momany, Ph.D
Methodist Chaplain Adrian College


Joan Monastero

Hudson Valley Pax Christi


Stephen V. Monsma

Professor of Political Science, Pepperdine Univ.


Don Mosely

Jubilee Partners, Comer, GA


Elena Muller-Garcia

Columnist, La Voz, Miami


Vasu Murti
Founder, Allies for Peace


†Joe Nangle, OFM

Franciscan Mission Service, Author


Lilibeth Navarro

Former President, Disability Perspectives


Fr. Bruce Nieli

Director for Evangelization, National Council
of Catholic Bishops


†Henri J.M. Nouwen 

L’Arche-Daybreak, Author


Judith Johnson O’Brien

Former Commissioner on Women in the Church and in Society, Rochester, NY


Fr. Niall O’Brien

Author, Peace Building, Negros, Philippines


Bill Ofenloch

Former Coordinator, Catholic Peace Fellowship


Elizabeth Williams Omilani

People’s Survival Theatre


Dan O’Neill

Mercy Corps International


Ciaron O’Reilly
Peace Activist, Catholic Worker, Australia

†Fr. Dan O’Shea                   

AIDS Resource Center, New York, NY


Joan Orgon

Former Coordinator, Association for Public Justice


Fr. Sinclair Oubre

National Catholic Conference for Seafarers


Cathryn Holderread Passmore

Mennonite leader; Producer, Now Shall the Desert Bloom


Bill Pelke

Murder Victims’ Families for Reconciliation


Leonard Peltier

Political prisoner, American Indian Movement


Adolfo Pérez Esquivel

Nobel Peace Laureate, Servicio Paz y Justicia


Donald M. Peters

Former Vice-Chair, New York State

Right-to-Life Party


Ruth Phillips

International Life Services, Los Angeles, CA


Gaile M. Pohlhaus

Religious Studies, Villanova University


Rev. Richard M. Potts

Chair, Justice & Peace Commission, Redemptorist, St. Louis Province


Helen Prejean

CSJ, Death Penalty Abolitionist, Author,

Dead Man Walking


Karen Swallow Prior

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Mary Puccinelli

Call to Action, Chicago


Kevin Queally, TOR
Franciscan Federation, Justice & Peace

†Scott Rains                           

Former Director, Prolifers for Survival


Antonio Ramirez

Labor Organizer

Chana S. Ravinsky

Director, Jews for Life and Traditional Morality


David Reardon

Director, Elliot Institute for Social Sciences Research


William V. Reynolds, M.D.

Fellow, American College of Surgeons


Mary Rider

Peace & Justice Commission, Raleigh, NC


†Igal Rodenko

War Resisters League


Rev. Samuel Rodriguez
National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference


Richard Rohr, OFM

Center on Action & Contemplation


Joe Roos

Publisher, Sojourners


Br. Cyprian Lamar Rowe, FMS

School of Social Work UMAB

Fr. Michael Scanlan TOR

Former President, Franciscan University


Scott Schaeffer-Duffy

International Coordinator, Seeds of Peace

Sandra M. Schneiders, IHM

Jesuit School of Theology, Berkely, CA

Suzanne Schnittman, Ph.D.

Sanctuary Activist, suffrage historian and Professor of History, SUNY


Linda & Mark Scibilia-Carver

Jubilee House Catholic Worker

Tom Sena                  

Prolife Alliance of Gays and Lesbians, Washington, DC


Charles J. Sharon, SA

Graymoor Ecumenical and Interreligious Institute


Benjamin Sheldon

President, Presbyterian Prolife


†Bonnie Shullenberger                      

Writer, Educator

Episcopal Church News Correspondent


†Honorable Sargent Shriver


†Eunice Shriver
Founders, Special Olympics


Martin Sheen



Ronald J. Sider

Evangelicals for Social Action, Author, Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger

Tom Siemer

Producer, Gods of Metal


Cessilye R. Smith

Racial & Maternal Justice Activist and CEO of Abide Women's Health Services


Nicole M. Smith

Editor, Liberating Options

Robert Moss Smith

Brandywine Peace Community

†Mitch Snyder

Community for Creative Nonviolence

Ena Snyott-Bustra

Self-Determination for East Timor, Australia


Catherine Spencer

Labour Life Group, London, U.K.


Davis Steindl-Rast

Mount Savior Monastery, Author


Roberta (Bobbie) Stewart

Lutheran Peace Fellowship


John K. Stoner

Author; Mennonite Peace Activist


Margaret Sullivan, OP

Adrian Dominican Sister, SHARE Foundation


†Walter F. Sullivan

Bishop of Richmond, VA


John Michael Talbot

Founder, Brothers & Sisters of Charity at Little Portion Hermitage


Joseph C. Taphorn

Cofounder, Students Helping Others Worldwide (SHOW)


Van C. Temple

Assoc. Exec. Dir, Evangelicals for Social Action


Marcia Timmel

Director, Northwest Center, Washington, DC


Joseph Toritto

War Tax Resister


Rev. Benjamin Urmston, SJ

Dorothy Day House, Director of Programs in Peace and Justice, Xavier University


Gerard Vanderhaar

Professor of Religion & Peace Studies, Author, Active Nonviolence, and Why Good People Do Bad Things

Gerald Vandezande
Co-Founder, Citizens for Public Justice


David Virtue

Evangelical Partners in Mission

Dale Vree

Editor, New Oxford Review


Debby J. Wakeham

Peace, Ethics, Animals, and Consistent Human Rights (PEACH), Luton Beds, U.K.


Regis Walling

Founder, Pregnancy Service of Michigan


Jim Wallis



Juli Loesch Wiley

Author, Speaker, Peace & Life Activist, Founder, Prolifers for Survival


Martha Yonke

Founder, Caritas Community


†George Zabelka

Do Something for Peace


†Gordon C. Zahn                   

Author, A Solitary Witness: The Life of

ranz Jaegestetter


Michael Zavacky

Pennsylvania Prisons Society


†Jerry Zawada, OFM
Peace Planters, Peace Prisoner


Stephen Zunes, Ph.D.

Author; Director, Institute for a New Middle East Policy

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