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member organizations: 200+
years in existence: 30+


All member groups should endorse the mission statement of the Consistent Life Network, but do not need to work actively against all the forms of violence identified in the statement. Groups can focus on their specific issue(s) but should not support any of the threats to life identified in the mission statement.

All board members, staff, and interns of member groups should understand the concept of the Consistent Life Ethic.

The Consistent Life Network logo and link should be visible on your website. This can be in your About Us section or on your home page.

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Membership Benefits

1. Connect with Like-Minded Organizations

First and foremost, CLN is a network. We get you in touch with other organizations doing similar work. You may use each other's resources at conferences; share a table or split a program ad fee; speak at each other’s events; or promote each other’s work on social media. 

2. Access to Resources

Not only will you be able to use our library of CLN writing, our interview videos, and our research (through the Institute for Integrated Social Analysis), but you will have free access to CL brochures and pins. You can also draw on our Board’s skill and our knowledge of life, peace, and social justice philosophy and advocacy.

3. Connect the Issues

Being connected with CLN and its work helps your organization to identify the ties among different forms of violence. In doing so, you are able to quickly and effectively educate the public about the larger significance of your own vision and work.

4. Expand Your Reach

Many organizations fall into the trap of “preaching to the choir.” By working with a diverse range of groups, your organization is able to share its message with individuals and groups who have yet to hear your perspective. You can connect with groups from a variety of backgrounds and with a range of purposes.

5. Publicize Your Work

CLN publishes a weekly update (“Peace & Life Connections”) that includes information about the recent and upcoming events, activities, successes, and needs of our member groups. We also share your work on our social media and encourage network members to support each other’s work.

6. Stay Informed

Our weekly Peace & Life Connections includes information about the activities of our member groups, powerful quotations on our issues, and commentary on major world events. We update you on what is most important. This allows you to spend more of your time focusing on your programs and less time looking for the stories.

7. Sense of Community

Many of our organizations don’t fit neatly into conventional political categories, and are therefore excluded from pro-life/peace/social justice circles. CLN is a space for relationship building and camaraderie.

8. Organizational Effectiveness

Many of our organizations are small nonprofits with limited budgets, but this doesn’t mean they can’t or don’t have an impact. By collaborating with one another and through CLN, our member groups can expand their collective impact.

9. Increased Opportunities

Your affiliation with causes outside of your primary mission allows your organization the opportunity to table and present at spaces that are usually unwelcoming. For example, if you are a pro-life group, you can emphasize your CLN affiliation to table at an anti-war conference, or vice-versa. Your organization will also be invited to speak or table at CLN-hosted conferences.

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Recommended Membership Dues

Level 1

Fewer than 100 members

$50/year US Dollars

Level 2

100-500 members

$100/year US Dollars

Level 3

More than 500 members

$200/year US Dollars

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Become Member
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You can pay member group dues using PayPal's Donate function. Please click the button and enter the appropriate amount for your membership. Of course, you can also mail us a check.


Levels are recommendations. If you can't afford these recommended dues, we understand. Pay anything you can. We also encourage in-kind donations, like putting information about us in your email and/or print newsletter, adding detailed CLN information to your website in addition to the minimum expectation of our logo/link (see above), using your social media accounts to provide information about CLN, inviting us to table at your conferences without charging us, etc. We also hope you will encourage your constituency to subscribe to our weekly e-letter, Peace & Life Connections. These in-kind donations can be an alternative to paying monetary dues (or you can do both!)


Thanks so much and welcome to the network!

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​All rights reserved. Copyright © Consistent Life, 2003 - 2024.
PO Box 9295 | Silver Spring, MD 20916-9295

1-866-444-7245 |

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