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The Consistent Life Action Foundation, our funding resource for defenders of life, gives grants to directly help those threatened by violence and the people and groups working to assist them. We intend for our awards to support pregnant women and their unborn children; death row inmates; refugees, veterans, and others affected by war; the sick, elderly, and disabled; and more.

CLAF logo with small images of issues and words they shall not die

If you are working to directly help those vulnerable to the threats to life identified in the Consistent Life Network’s mission statement—abortion, the death penalty, euthanasia, poverty, racism, or war—then you may be eligible for a grant from the Consistent Life Action Foundation. You don't have to be working on all of our issues, but can't actively/publicly support any of the forms of violence we oppose. Grantees are publicly identified as CLN partners/grantees and are asked to mention us in their own publicity. You can obtain an application here on our website. Our Foundation steering committee will review the application and follow up within a few weeks. See the application with the evaluation method we use.


The Foundation also needs support to continue its work. Our foundation is a separate division of CLN's budget funded by a special donation, but what we have is limited and the needs are great. If you want to support this kind of grassroots work for life, we’re accepting targeted donations to CLAF—as well as general contributions to CLN to help where the need is greatest.


For questions about applying, about donating to the Foundation, or about any and all things CLAF, please contact us at or 1-866-444-7245.

Featured activists that our grants are currently funding include:

Leaves in time logo
ENL foundation logo

Leaves in Time


This nonprofit is a perinatal hospice that provides support services for pregnant women and their families who know they will lose their baby before or shortly after birth due to a disorder. These services include memory-making items, grief-support books and journals, coordination of referrals and care, and follow-up for a year.




Education and Life Foundation


Among a variety of services, this foundation provides food assistance to pregnant mothers in Pakistan so that their children can be born healthy. With our grant funds, they will be able to provide ten pregnant females with monthly food packages for ten months. At a cost of only $19.80, each package contains not only salt, sugar, tea, flour, rice, black chickpeas, and cooking oil but also detergent and soap to prevent disease.

Panzi Foundation logo
logo for MADP with state of Missouri outline

Featured activists that our grants previously funded include:



The goal of this organization is to end rape as a weapon of war. It works with survivors of war-motivated rape in the Congo. This assistance includes helping those impregnated by rape with prenatal care and birth and then helping with the needs of the mothers and their growing children.


Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty 


MADP educates citizens and legislators regarding the costs and consequences of capital punishment. They support collaborations of murder victim family members, exonerees, communities, racial justice advocates, various faith and conscience traditions, and individuals. With coalition partners, they address the root causes of capital punishment and oppose individual executions and the systemic conditions that permit them. Through member alerts, media placements, and educational events, they work to stop executions and to make lasting changes to the criminal legal system.

The grant funds will be used for strategic communications through social media ads, petition ads, and video content creation, as well as messaging to a database of 10,000 supporters during clemency campaigns.

Floridians for alternatives to the death penalty logo with peace dove in place of noose

Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty


FADP is a state-wide organization of individuals and groups working together to end the death penalty through building and mobilizing public and political support for abolition. Their short-term objectives include reducing death sentences, opposing executions, and changing the statewide conversation about the death penalty by highlighting the tremendous support for abolition. At all times they prioritize protecting the humanity of persons impacted by the death penalty and the criminal justice system and contributing to the national momentum for repeal.


The grant will assist with the publication of six different fact sheets that highlight the death penalty’s defects such as racial bias and wrongful convictions. These flyers will be used in outreach to more than 100 local, state, and national groups with intersectional issues.

mission-of-mercy- van
mission-of-mercy- logo healing through love

​Mission of Mercy

Maryland and Pennsylvania

For 27 years, Mission of Mercy has followed its mission “to restore dignity, ‘Healing through Love’ at mobile clinics. They provide free healthcare, dental care, and medications to the uninsured, underinsured and those who “fall through the cracks” of our healthcare system. With the support of 220 mission-driven, medical and non-medical volunteers, Mission of Mercy operates both a mobile medical and a mobile dental clinic. Churches provide host sites for their mobile clinics in Taneytown, Reisterstown, Brunswick and Frederick in Maryland and Gettysburg and Harrisburg in Pennsylvania. Hospitals in each of the served areas provide free lab work and x-rays for the Mission of Mercy patients.


The CLAF grant funds will be used to provide steroid injections (for safe pain management for patients with arthritis and other chronic pains), inhalers (for patients with asthma and COPD), and antibiotics (for use in both the medical and dental clinics).

abide women's  health services. with graphic of three women with children

Abide Women's Health Services

Dallas, TX

Abide WHS exists to improve birth outcomes in communities with the lowest quality of care by offering healthcare and complimentary services that are easily accessible, holistic, evidence-based, and free from judgment. Their goals include: reducing infant and maternal mortality, reducing pre-term birth, reducing low birth weight babies, increasing breastfeeding rates, and increasing the number of Black midwives and birth workers of color. "We want babies delivered at term and thriving in their first year; we want their mothers to live to see them."

In 2020, Abide was able to use the CLAF grant money to provide childbirth education to 11 families and material resources to 353 non-recurring families in the form of diapers, menstrual supplies, breastfeeding kits, and more.


In 2021, Abide will use its grant money to continue giving material support to families in South Dallas, specifically with the distribution of 20,000 diapers provided by a community partner.


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new-wave-feminists collection #campaignrelief this isn't about politics it's about people

Catholic Relief Services



In response to the pandemic, CLAF is offering a few fast-track grants to those organizations that need emergency funds to respond to the crisis. A contribution was made to CRS in support of its work in 35 different countries to stop the spread of the corona virus by supplying information on prevention, hygiene kits, cleaning supplies, PPE, testing, and the like.

New Wave Feminists

Juarez, MX Project

A pro-life feminist organization that includes a mission to advocate for the dignity of the vulnerable, NWF initiated a special project in 2019 to aid migrant women. The organization raised funds and supplies for a shelter in Juarez for the women who have suffered sexual assault, many of whom became pregnant as a result.


The facility houses 20 women and children as they wait on court dates for their asylum cases. Sometimes these cases take upwards of a year or more. The CLAF grant helped with the costs of prenatal and postnatal care, birthing bags, and baby supplies.



Banner for Mercy in Action

The Mercy in Action Project of the Catholic Mobilizing Network (CMN) enables people to raise their voices to stop scheduled executions. CMN facilitates emails, letters, phone calls, and tweets to governors or pardons and parole boards asking for clemency for people scheduled for execution. Since CLAF gave a grant to CMN in 2018, CMN supporters took more than 16,540 actions on behalf of 21 death row inmates. Five executions were stayed, and two sentences were commuted to life! CMN is grateful for the financial support of CLAF, which allows it to mobilize more people to take action to oppose executions.

Precious Children of Portland members with prolife signs prowoman, child, life, we're here for you

Precious Children of Portland offers concrete resources to women who need help in their pregnancies and with their young children. These activists advocate for families and provide them with various forms of assistance, including furniture, food, babysitting, and baby showers. Precious Children of Portland exists to help promote and provide for the sanctity and dignity of every human life, born and unborn.

Consistent life network text logo

​All rights reserved. Copyright © Consistent Life, 2003 - 2024.
PO Box 9295 | Silver Spring, MD 20916-9295

1-866-444-7245 |

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