Week of Actions
In conjunction with the
Week of Action
called by Campaign Nonviolence
September 16 to 24, 2017
These local actions are sponsored and encouraged by the Consistent Life Network.
We encourage others to think of doing similar actions in their own regions. Some of them maybe before or after the official week.
Find out more about the Week of Action sponsored by Campaign Nonviolence.
Unfortunately, Campaign Nonviolence staff (while indicating sympathy with the consistent life ethic) have decided not to include in their listings actions which include connecting the dots of their issues of war, poverty, racism, and climate change to abortion. Such actions were removed from their web page in 2016, and none of the actions listed below have been posted by them. Therefore, we offer an outlet for publicizing such actions here; for more details, see our blog post Unconnecting a Dot.
We have a modest beginning, but that’s how seeds are – they start out small, and grow!
Please contact Rachel MacNair at 816-753-2057 or write to weekly@consistent-life.org to discuss how to participate.
These actions involve demonstrations going to three different sites, but any vigils, speaking presentations, or leafleting actions are also welcome.
Washington, DC
Pro-Life March to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
September 9, 1:30-3:30 PM, at the White House. Rally & March
Sponsors: Rehumanize International, American Solidarity Party, Feminists for Nonviolent Choices, Consistent Life Network, Pax Christi - Metro DC/Baltimore, Franciscan Action Network
For Information: https://www.rehumanizeintl.org/nukes
As pro-lifers, our voices against nuclear arms are vital in this day and age. Knowing that nuclear weapons can never be a tool of Just War, we will call for all nuclear powers to disarm, deconstruct, and destroy nuclear weapons.
As pro-lifers, we embrace, support, and promise to abide by the principles of Kingian nonviolence towards each and every human being, born and pre-born.
This action was held successfully, but you can still participate in the associated petition.

Syracuse, New York
Pilgrimage for Life and Peace
Sponsors: Feminists Choosing Life of New York, ACT; Friends of Franz and Ben; Consistent Life Network
On September 16, people in Upstate NY met at the Planned Parenthood facility in Syracuse, with talks and signs. From there we traveled by car to Hancock Air Force Base, with more talks and the same signs.
At Hancock, 7 police cars showed up as usual but we "negotiated" to cross the road and stand in front of the base sign with our messages. The regular group that prays the Rosary in front of PP was very happy to welcome us.

The same signs were carried to both facilities:
Ban the Bomb, Not the Baby
Death and Destruction happens here
No war. No abortion. No violence, period.
Kansas City, Missouri
Ban the Bomb / Not the Baby!
Double Vigil
September 16, 1 pm and 3:30 pm
People in Kansas City met on September 16 at the Bendix/Allied plant. They used to make non-nuclear components for nuclear weapons there (now they make them at another facility in a suburb).
We then met at Planned Parenthood, where they did abortions for many years, are attempting to re-establish doing chemical abortions, and belong to the largest chain of abortion clinics in the U.S.

Your Computer or Device
Consistent Life Network
30th Anniversary Conference
Video Series
Beginning Friday, September 22rd
On Friday, September 22, Noon ET, we released Pacifism, Just War, and Peace, a video of a panel discussion of peacemaking and the ethics of war, as the first release from our 30th Anniversary Conference Video Series, which will include some of the panels, workshops, and presentations from our Creating a Holistic Culture of Life Bridging the Life/Peace Divide conference.
Additional videos in the series will be released throughout the Fall.

This panel features (left to right)
Rob Arner on early Christian pacifism. Rob is an Assistant Professor of Church and Society at Reformed Episcopal Seminary in Blue Bell, PA, and author of Consistently Pro-Life: The Ethics of Ancient Christianity.
Mary Liston Liepold on nonviolent peacemaking. Mary is a wife, mother, grandmother, writer, editor, Secular Franciscan, and Chair of the Pax Christi USA Metro DC –Baltimore Region. Mary holds a doctorate in American Literature from Catholic University of America.
John Whitehead on just war ethics. John is a freelance writer, deputy editor of Life Matters Journal, and President of the Consistent Life Network. John holds a M.A. from the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University.