2020: Albuquerque Actions Mark your calendars now, if coming to either of these interests you; we’ve already started to line up local hospitality. Both involve groups and endorsers that are sympathetic to the consistent life ethic (CLE), but that must deal with many constituents who don’t understand the case against abortion. Yet to these endorsers, directly making the full case for the CLE to their own groups is a skill they haven’t yet developed. So it’s our job to help. If you’re interested, let us know at weekly@consistent-life.org .

May 15-17, Conspire conference Center for Action and Contemplation (CAC) CAC is a member group, and CAC founder Richard Rohr is an endorser. This is the final conference in a series of seven, this one with a theme of non-dual consciousness. Normally the attendance is around 2,000, with more watching online. Abortion advocacy made a jarring appearance at the last conference. It went unchallenged from the stage and no other outlets for challenge were available, making it crucial that we create them. August 6-9. Campaign Nonviolence 75th Anniversary of Hiroshima & Nagasaki Endorsers John Dear, Richard Rohr, and Martin Sheen are all expected. This is a large rally and vigil at nearby Los Alamos, where the atom bomb was first developed, on August 6 and again on August 9, with a conference held between the two dates in Albuquerque. Attendance at the 70thanniversary was a few hundred people. The two demonstrations alone are very powerful and worth the trip. We had an unstaffed table at the 70th anniversary event and likely will again, but we need more people to be the CLE caucus. We explain some history here.
2020: Political Conventions These are the times and places for the four largest U.S. political parties, in chronological order:

Libertarian Party: May 21-25, Austin, Texas

Democratic Party: July 13-16, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Republican Party, August 24-27, Charlotte, North Carolina

Green Party: to be announced For the Libertarians and Greens, probably having a simple literature table will be the best approach for us. The Democrat and Republican conventions are of course huge, and will have huge numbers of protesters outside. Trying to leaflet delegates is difficult – they’re often shielded from protesters and like it that way. However, this is an opportunity to leaflet the other protesters. While election time is by far the most polarized, we think handing out postcards on the “Price of Roe” website, in the hope that they visit it, will give them more insight into the harmfulness of the Roe decision than they might notice at other times. Other action or literature ideas may also arise as we get closer to time. If you’re interested, let us know at weekly@consistent-life.org . We have one person coordinating at the Democrat convention, but still need a volunteer for the Republican convention, and volunteers for tabling at the other two or any other third parties.
Latest CLN Blog Post: Resisting Throwaway Culture Mary Lou Bennett offers a review of Charles C. Camosy’s recent book: Resisting Throwaway Culture: How a Consistent Life Ethic Can Unite A Fractured People.
Quotation of the Week George Orwell, “Politics and the English Language” Political language — and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists — is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. One cannot change this all in a moment, but one can at least change one's own habits.
Responses/News Tips/Questions to share are all welcome.
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