When Women Lead: The Pro-life Women’s Conference June 21-23, New Orleans, Louisiana – around 800 attending this fourth annual conference – it’s growing!

Top Left, left to right: C.J. Williams and Rachel MacNair staffed our table, with Kelsey Hazzard of member group Secular Pro-Life staffing their table right next to ours. Top Right: Member group Rehumanize International setting up their table down the row from us. Bottom: Rachel MacNair shows the Grassroots Defunding state page to a table visitor – a nurse from a women’s medical clinic right next to the Planned Parenthood center in New Orleans. Showing off the website and giving ideas on how to use it was a major activity at a place where people are likely to act on the information. We also let people know of the Price of Roe website, designed for peace and social justice activists, liberals and Democrats who are pro-Roe not because they’ve thought it through, but because they think they’re supposed to. The website acquaints them with how badly Roe has sabotaged peace and justice goals. Many appreciated that this could be a good resource for pro-lifers to use as a persuasive tool. Next year’s conference – the fifth annual – will be June 26-28, 2020, in Indianapolis, Indiana. There’s a one-week deal that ends this Monday, July 1, where you can save $24 on registration by using the code Indy2020.
This Week’s Blog Post C.J. Williams writes more about this year’s Pro-life Women’s Conference.
Direct Help on the U.S. Border Our member group New Wave Feminists is collecting donations to take supplies to the immigrants on the U.S. side of the border with Mexico, and we’re one of several sponsors. Given the recent news that the U.S. government isn’t giving basic soap and toothbrushes to children in detention, it’s all the more important that we offer something to people fleeing the gang wars, poverty, and other violence in Central America now.

Empowerment through Practical Tips Our member group Feminists for Life has an excellent resource, the website Women Deserve Better: “a compilation of practical resources and inspirational stories from women and men who have faced challenging issues and are willing to share their unique perspectives. We focus on issues pertaining to work, home life, education, and relationships.”

Quotation of the Week William Sloane Coffin, Presbyterian minister and peace activist Quoted in "Liberal, Democrat, & Prochoice": What's Wrong with This Picture? New Oxford Review, December 1990 Note: given how prominent a peace activist Coffin was at the time, we’ve been eager to find the exact source of this quotation for over a year now and finally found it.

We haven’t really come clean on this issue. It’s a cop-out to say that abortion is a sin but not a crime. That’s like saying slavery is a sin but not a crime, that I personally wouldn’t own slaves but I defend the right of others to choose differently. If the sin involved is the taking of human life, then it ought to be a crime. For those who think that that is what is involved, then what’s happening now has to be viewed as another holocaust.
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