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#461 Stericycle, Bullying, Ireland, Brown Anniversary - May 17, 2019

Calling for Noncooperation: Call-In Day, May 22 Stericycle handles medical waste. It has a policy against disposing of fetal remains, but nevertheless partners with Planned Parenthood – so they don’t follow that policy. Their U.S. shareholders meeting is May 22. Activists will be there, and outside protesting, as well as protests at Stericycle sites. This will also be a Call-In Day. The main line: (866) 727-5598. In case that’s busy, try Customer Service: (866) 783-7422. If PP can’t dispose of the babies’ corpses, that throws a monkey wrench into their ability to turn those babies into corpses.


Man Thinks It’s OK to Intimidate Women; After all, it’s for Abortion Normally, people would see a young man verbally harassing an elderly woman as being patriarchal and domineering. Doing the same to three teenage girls would strengthen that impression. But Rep. Brian Sims did these, and he understood himself as standing up for women’s rights! Once again, abortion advocacy twists what treating women with respect actually looks like. Pro-lifers responded, naturally, with a large rally at the abortion facility where this happened.

Our Endorser Abby Johnson and board member Rob Arner at the anti-bullying rally.


Maternal Deaths in Ireland When Poland and Nicaragua banned abortion, the prediction they’d have a rise in women’s deaths turned out to be the opposite: pregnancy-related deaths went down. Legalization proponents could point to the fact that the banning was accompanied by successful campaigns for better maternity care, which is true. But ban supporters could suggest they’re not unrelated: having a tender concern for unborn babies goes with having a similar concern for women. Being callous toward one group may be associated with being callous toward the other.

Now the Life Institute reports: “Two women have died in Irish maternity hospitals since abortion was made legal, but Minister Simon Harris has cut funds to vital safety measures in order to pay for abortion,” by Niamh Uí Bhriain (pictured). The United Nations previously reported Ireland as one of the safest places in the world to have a baby. Abortion promotion may have a negative impact on that reputation.


End Drone Warfare: Presidential Campaign Pledge The U.S. state of Iowa is the site of the first voting for presidential candidates in 2020; also, there’s a drone command center in its capital of Des Moines. Therefore, our Catholic Worker friends in Iowa and other groups will announce a campaign this Saturday, May 18, to ask presidential candidates to sign a pledge to: 1. Stop all attacks by U.S. drones and to close all U.S. drone control centers inside and outside the U.S. 2. Work for an international ban on weaponized drones


Latest CLN Blog Post The U.S. Supreme Court ruled against racial segregation in public schools in Brown v. Board of Education on May 17, 1954. To mark this 65th anniversary, Bill Samuel offers personal reminiscences in Brown v. Board of Education and Me.


Quotation of the Week A Day After Banning Abortions, Alabama Is Set to Execute a Murderer New York Times, May 16, 2019 Alabama cleared the way on Thursday for the scheduled execution of a convicted murderer, a day after the state enacted a near-total ban on abortions, two actions on contentious social issues that often have people across the political spectrum invoking the sanctity of human life. “It’s a contradiction that I always observed,” said Hannah Cox, the national manager of Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty . . . Approving of executions, Ms. Cox said, is “a stance that cheapens the pro-life argument.”

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